The Amazing Spider-Man #10
Marvel Comics
Written by Zeb Wells
Art by Nick Dragotta
Colors by Marcio Menyz
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: Peter receives an unexpected visitor on an important day for humanity.

Something weird is happening in Peter’s apartment and the first person he decides to call is Tony Stark. After discovering that the Celestial threat is very real, Peter doesn’t feel as freaked out at the fact that Gwen Stacy is standing silently in his room and he is the only one that can see her. With others doing their best to earn a favorable judgment from the Celestial, Peter finds himself seeing the people in his life and how they are dealing with the news.
After paying a visit to Oscorp, Peter does his best to keep the vision of Gwen away from the very real Norman Osborn and in the aftermath deals with his complicated relationship with his one time enemy and the man who killed the woman he loved. A conversation that leads to an interesting revelation about Peter Parker that might have been witnessed by the wrong person.
The Story: Wells crafts an entertaining story that is both deeply personal for the character, but also brilliantly connects to the bigger Judgment Day storyline in a way that is uniquely Spider-Man. The story has some great moments for the character and some great tension as well with the side characters, especially Norman Osborn. I really enjoyed the moment towards the end of the issue as well as the surprise moment with Osborn.
The Art: Fun, vibrant and visually enjoyable throughout. The story is very thoughtful and interpersonal and Dragotta brings that out with the visuals and the emotions of the characters.