Teen Titans Academy #8
DC Comics
Written by Tim Sheridan
Art by Mike Norton
Colors by Hi-Fi
Letters by Rob Leigh
The Rundown: Red X attacks the Academy and a change in one of the students is revealed.

The story begins with a campus tour of the Ron Harper Academy. Wally West causes a commotion when he brings his children for a visit. Later some of the Teen Titans are featured as they have returned to campus for a break. Beast boy and Raven have an interesting conversation, and a significant change in Dane is noticed by many. Soon Red X appears and causes trouble for the Titans. After safely escorting the civilians from campus, the adult Titans confront Red X. Finally, later on, Flash and Lebowitz have an interesting conversation.
The Story: Tim Sheridan crafts a new entry point into this series. This new plot line appears to involve both adult and Teen Titans and hails the return of Red X. This episode involved quite a few characters. As a warning, unless you are very familiar with the Teen Titans, it is difficult to identify the players as there are limited names given throughout the issue. Overall, I found the story has potential. It will be interesting to see how the tale develops.
The Art: This issue features a modern comic book style that is heavy on character expression and form. The color palate is filled with rich colors with an emphasis on blue. I feel the artwork really matches the tone of the story.