Tales of the Human Target #1
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Rafael Albuquerque, Kevin Maguire, Mikel Janin and Greg Smallwood
Colors by Dave Stewart, Alex Sinclair, Arif Prianto and Greg Smallwood
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Members of the League recount their first experiences with Christopher Chance.

Fire recounts her early modeling career. A modeling career that took her to a foreign country with a photographer that she trusted. One who ends up being shot. Guy Gardner decides to go after a rich kid who decides to join the cult of Brother Blood and start robbing banks and Booster Gold decides to protect a rich writer who is the target of assassination attempts.
All three heroes recount their adventures and the one person who winds up being at the heart of them, Christopher Chance aka The Human Target.
The Story: King delivers an entertaining side story to the bigger Human Target arc. King does a brilliant job of showing three different stories and effectively weaving them all together until they come to a wonderful series of events that showcase the character and how interesting he is. I love how the story is framed as well and look forward to seeing the next part of the story.
The Art: All of the artists deliver some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue and all of the art styles complement each other perfectly.