James Cameron returns to the Terminator franchise with a new vision, new director and some familiar faces. Sarah Connor is on a new mission to protect a young woman who has no…
Netflix released the first trailer for its newest anthology series Love Death and Robots. This spring, 18 animated short stories presented by Tim Miller (Deadpool, upcoming untitled Terminator sequel) and David Fincher…
Netflix today announced Love, Death & Robots, an animated anthology series presented by Tim Miller (Deadpool, upcoming untitled Terminator sequel) and David Fincher (MINDHUNTER, Gone Girl, House of Cards). Love, Death &…
Deadpool director Tim Miller is taking on the Terminator franchise with James Cameron producing culminating in the return of Linda Hamilton to the fold. Now there is news that actress Mackenzie Davis…
After weeks of negotiations, actor Vin Diesel (xXx, Fast and the Furious franchise) has signed on to play the lead in the Bloodshot movie based on the Valiant Comic character. We reported…