A lot of news this week from both DC and Marvel. some good real life news for a Gotham actor and some bad news for the Generalisimo himself Stan Lee. I talk…
Your Quirky Quartet cannot be with you for this episode, but there are still thrills to be had as the Dynamic Duo of Deron and Danny bring you all the news from…
Our foursome travels across the frozen north of Winterfell to the treachery of the Red Keep and soars across the sea to Vaes Dothrak to bring you our take on Game Of…
It’s been a while since our fearsome foursome sat down together to bring forth the thoughts in their collective heads, but they are back with their review of one of the best…
[podbean resource=”episode=unxir-5f91a9″ type=”audio-square” height=”400″ skin=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”0″ rtl=”0″] In our next Unofficial Primer, we discuss the latest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A being whose presence has potential ripple effects…