There will always be movies that you personally love that everyone else hates. Think back to when you were a kid and the kind of movies that you personally loved and needed…
[podbean resource=”episode=3uyqu-5f7666″ type=”audio-rectangle” height=”100″ skin=”1″ btn-skin=”107″ share=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”0″ rtl=”0″] Download this episode (right click and save) This Mini-Episode goes on a mini rant about my love for the MCU and…
Captain America: Civil War has reached over $300 million domestically and over $950 million world-wide. The success both at the box office and with the fans has given the world of the…
How far would any of us be willing to go for the sake of what we believe is right? How willing are you to compromise your personal principles for the sake of…