The Big Hero 6 animated series is set to debut next month and Disney has released a new trailer for the anticipated series debut. The adventure continues for 14-year-old tech genius Hiro…
After announcing that a live action Kim Possible movie was being made, many speculated on who would be playing the high school super spy. Today we got our cast list for the…
Star Wars Forces of Destiny returns on May the 4th with brand-new episodes on Disney YouTube, at 10:00am PDT, followed by a can’t-miss TV special on Disney Channel on May 25th! “Chopper and Friends” – When Chopper enlists…
Black-ish executive producer and star of the upcoming Ant-Man and the Wasp film Laurence Fishburne is expanding his relationship with both Disney and Marvel Comics. Fishburne and and Helen Sugland via Cinema Gypsy Productions and Marvel…
16 years after the animated series ended its run on The Disney Channel, it’s being reported that a new live action version of the popular series Kim Possible is coming. The new…