The Despicable Deadpool #293 Marvel Comics Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Matteo Lolli Inks by Christian Dalla Vecchia Two NYPD officers are on the top of a bridge in New York…
Despicable Deadpool #292 Marvel Comics Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Matteo Lolli Colors by Ruth Redmond Anyone expecting this issue to be overtly funny or a means for Wade to cleverly…
Despicable Deadpool #291 Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Scott Koblish Colors by Nick Filardi Deadpool has been tasked with committing four murders to pay back Stryfe for providing help people the…
The Despicable Deadpool #290 Marvel Comics Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Scott Koblish Colors by Nick Filardi Like the cover suggests, Cable dies in this issue but because it’s a Deadpool…
The Despicable Deadpool #289 Marvel Comics Written by Gerry Duggan Art by Scott Koblish Colors by Nick Filardi Letters by VC’s Joe Sabino After failing to kill Cable in the last issue…