This is the story of one of the X-Men’s most beloved characters, Jean Grey, as she evolves into the iconic DARK PHOENIX. During a life-threatening rescue mission in space, Jean is hit…
To kick off the holiday season audiences of almost all ages will soon be able to enjoy the Merc with the Mouth’s reimagining of Deadpool 2 filtered through the prism of childlike…
BOOM! Studios unveiled the main cover to BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER #2 by acclaimed Mondo illustrator Matthew Taylor. The next chapter of the hotly-anticipated series will debut in-stores February 13th, 2019, in partnership with…
Alita: Battle Angel based on the popular manga series by Yukito Kishiro is coming to theaters this year and Fox has released a brand new trailer celebrating the film from visionary director…
San Diego Comic Con was this weekend and studios decided to showcase their new and retuning television series and movies. Fox released the first footage of the second season of the surprise…