Swan Songs #2
Image Comics
Written by W. Maxwell Prince
Art by Caspar Wijngaard
Colors by Caspar Wijngaard
Letters by Good Old Neon
The Rundown: A couple on the verge of divorce decide on an unusual stipulation.

John and Eileen have decided to get a divorce. As they hammer out the particulars, they make sure to add a stipulation in the divorce agreement that they will be locked in various forms of mortal combat for all eternity.
As the two think back on the events that brought them together and drove them apart, they also find themselves battling each other to the death and re-hashing their continued hatred.
The Story: Conceptually, I really like this series. Unfortunately, this issue left me flat. The characters were milquetoast and uninteresting. While the concept of having a divorced couple spend eternity killing each other is intriguing, the characters are so bland and whiny that I couldn’t find a way to care about them individually or as a couple. Also, there is no satisfying resolution to their conflict because nothing in the story was satisfying enough to care about.
The Art: Wijngaard’s art is one of the only saving graces of the issue. The visuals are lively, beautifully detailed and convey a level of emotion that I wish the story deserved.