Superman vs Lobo #2
DC Comics
Written by Tim Seeley and Sarah Beattie
Art by Mirka Andolfo
Colors by Arif Prianto
Letters by Fabio Amelia
The Rundown: Superman and Lobo discover that their time on each other’s worlds reveals something darker at play.

Superman is missing and all hell is breaking loose as the world wonders what happened to him. Lois puts in a call to Batman, but he has no idea what happened either and the rest of the League are actively searching for the Man of Steel. Martian Manhunter and Hal Jordan both discover that Krypton and Czarnia have been restores and the creature that did it decides to communicate its gift to the whole universe. Unfortunately, it put both Clark and Lobo on the wrong planets and will not allow them to leave or anyone else to enter. A prospect Clark finds unsettling, but Lobo seems to be thriving in.
Dr. Flik seems to be the only one able to travel between worlds and she decides to look in on Superman after seeing how Lobo is thriving on a Krypton that’s decided to adopt his kind of lifestyle. Back on Czarnia, Superman discovers that the planet has secrets that might be dangerous to expose. Lobo discovers that he is being used to further a new Krypton agenda and Superman discovers that things are getting more dangerous by the moment on Czarnia. Flik discovers that there is more to Numen’s actions than she suspected and that there are consequences coming that both Superman and Lobo will have to face.
The Story: Seeley and Beattie craft an adventure that is entertaining, fun and inventive. The dialogue and story are fantastic and the length of the issue is perfect for delivering on both the humor and the complexities of the story. There is a lot going on within its pages, but you never feel lost and the humor is sharp and firing on all cylinders. A consistently fun and entertaining series and this issue ends with an awesome cliffhanger that I cannot wait to see explored.
The Art: Mirka Andolfo delivers some beautiful art in this issue. The characters look great and there are some beautifully detailed and humorously exaggerated visual moments throughout. Andolfo’s art perfectly matches the mature energy of the story.