Superman Red and Blue #1
DC Comics
Written by John Ridley, Brandon Easton, Wes Craig and Marguerite Bennett
Art by Clayton Henry, Steve Lieber, Wes Craig, Dani and Jill Thompson
Colors by Jordie Bellaire and Ron Chan
Letters by Dave Sharpe, Clayton Cowles and Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Four stories showcase the Man of Steel and his all too human frailties and failures.
Superman returns to a former Soviet state for a story and to heal some personal wounds from his time imprisoned there. As he reflects on how he came to help and found himself powerless in a prison camp, Clark finds himself face to face with the man who tortured him for months. As he contemplates what to do and what the man has become, Clark must decide if he is truly there to uncover a story or feed his own thoughts of revenge.
A powerful story that takes a different look at the character. A look that isn’t from the point of view of a powerful figure, but from the perspective of a victim of violence.
The Measure of Hope
Superman finds himself late to the funeral of a woman he never met. A woman who’s son wrote to him for years after a chance encounter and spent those years asking Superman for help with a problem that didn’t have anything to do with super villains or intergalactic warlords. As Clark listens to the man’s story, he is both thankful for his role in inspiring the young man and dismayed at his inability to save the boys mother or to do more for the people he swore to protect.
A good story that has a deep and interesting message. It also does a great job of showcasing issues that don’t get the attention of the costume set. There are moments that are a little heavy handed, but the story is very engaging with a great ending.

The Boy Who Saved Superman
A fight with a powerful alien force leaves Superman unconscious and helpless in a Metropolis alley. A young buy named Abdi might be his only hope of retreiving the device he needs to stop the creature as well as getting somewhere safe so the Man of Steel can recuperate. A task that will change the lives of both of them.
A powerful story that shows that even Superman an be in awe of the power of the human spirit.
Human Colors
A being from another dimension robs the world of all colors and Superman must decide whether to restore them. As he ponders a world without color and sees how people react both positively and negatively, he seeks the advice of people he trusts including Lois and Batman to help him determine whether or not to return the colors back to the world.
An interesting story with an engaging, subtle message.
The School of Hard Knock-Knock Jokes
Clark Kent is about to start his first year at school and his parents worry about whether or not he’ll fit in. Armed with all the lessons he’s learned from them and a few jokes, he makes friends quickly. When he sees a girl who is all by herself, Clark must decide if trying to be her friend will alienate him from the rest of the group and bring attention on him that he doesn’t want. Thoughts that require some wisdom that only his parents can provide.
A really good short story that has a universal appeal as well as great look at the humanity of Clark Kent.