Superman #5
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Jamal Campbell
Colors by Jamal Campbell
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Superman must stop an amped up Silver Banshee as his new enemies plot something even bigger.

Superman finds himself facing off against Silver Banshee but there is a dramatic twist to the proceedings when Jimmy Olsen throws himself in front of her to protect her from harm. After discovering the truth about their relationship, Superman and Jimmy team up to find a way to help Siobhan before she or anyone else gets hurt.
Lex continues his role as man in the chair directing Mercy to help Superman in the fight with a device that should help her. IN the aftermath, Clark finds himself trying to confront Graft and Dr. Pharm, but coming up empty. Unfortunately, Lex isn’t so lucky.
The Story: Williamson delivers a fun and entertaining story with a surprising twist I was not expecting. The villains continue to be intriguing and the mystery behind them and their relationship to Lex Luthor continues to be compelling. I like the growing dynamic between Superman and Lex and how they are working together. There are some other great mysteries brewing within the story that I want to see explored and this issue has some great, heartfelt moments for the characters.
The Art: Campbell delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue. The visual style of the story allows for some great character moments as well as explosive action and adventure.