Superman #32
DC Comics
Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson and Sean Lewis
Art by Scott Godlewski and Sami Basri
Colors by Gabe Eltaeb and Ulises Arreola
Letters by Dave Sharpe
The Rundown: Jon takes on the Shadowbreed and the heroes of Metropolis fight to save one of their own.

Jon finds himself alone looking for his missing father and remembering what Clark said about the planet and its people. A lesson that shows how the son of the king was corrupted not only by the power of the Shadowbreed, but by the abuse of his own father. After finding the creature, Superman emerges and fights alongside his son. When the pair are given some new information, they both determine that it will be up to Jon to stop the rise of the Shadowbreed before they take over the entire planet.
Back in Metropolis, Bibbo and the others continue their hunt for Projectress as her power continues to affect the people of the city. Bibbo recounts how he met her and with her plan to lure Superman into a confrontation. After going out on his own, Arcata rescues him and the team works on a plan that will stop the woman once and for all.
The Story: Both stories are good. Johnson’s story ends well, but the emotional manipulation of teasing Superman’s death as a story arc is getting tired. The moments where father and son bond are way more compelling. Sean Lewis’ Bibbo story is sweet, interesting and fun. It gives a great insight into these characters and makes them more interesting in the process.
The Art: Godlewski delivers some stellar visuals to the Superman story. The action is great and really showcases the power of the characters. Basri delivers some exceptional character designs and expressions throughout his story.