Superman #15
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Rafa Sandoval
Colors by Alejandro Sanchez
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Superman fights Brainiac as Lex fights for his daughter’s life.

Lena is trapped in Brainiac’s machine to fuel his new Brainiac Queen. After taking control of his family, Brainiac attacks Superman and his allies as they try to save the bottled cities being held aboard Brainiac’s exploding ship.
Lex finally manages to find a way to free his daughter from Brianiac and create a circumstance that will bring down the alien intelligence from the inside. A move that will have unexpected consequences as Superman and the others find a way to evacuate the ship before it explodes.
The Story: Williamson crafts a thrilling, action packed finale in this issue. There is a wonderful immediacy to the action and stakes throughout the issue and the story has some awesome battle scenes. I really enjoyed this storyline and the writing creates some great moments for Superman, Lobo and others. The story brings all the elements together to craft a great adventure that I will continue to enjoy.
The Art: Sandoval delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. The visuals are thrilling and the action is amazing.