Superman #13
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by Rafa Sandoval
Colors by Alejandro Sanchez
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Superman goes looking for an ally to take on Brainiac and his army.

Metropolis has been attacked by an army of Czarnians and Superman’s family and allies have been captured by Brainiac who unleashed them on the planet. After leaving the planet, Brainiac begins the next part of his plan. A plan that requires the power of the captured kryptonians as well as many of Superman’s enemies and possibly Lex’s daughter.
Superman decides to go looking for help from an unlikely ally. After visiting a bar, he attacks and takes on Lobo who tells him about the other Czarnians and where they came from. He agrees to help Superman escape the planet, but they are ambushed by a Czarnian that Lobo actually respects.
The Story: Williamson crafts an entertaining story in the issue. I’m on the fence about this storyline and the inclusion of both Brainiac and Lobo. It has some fun moments and the desperation within Brainiac does create some great tension throughout the issue. I’m interested in seeing where this story goes next and what it means for the man of steel.
The Art: Sandoval delivers some fantastic art throughout the issue. I love the visual style of the issue and the series is creating some great visual action for Superman throughout.