Superman #11
DC Comics
Written by Joshua Williamson
Art by David Baldeon
Colors by Rex Lokus
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: Pharm and Graft attack Supercorp and decide to recruit their most lethal weapon to take down Lex Luthor.

Lena attempts to learn more about her past and discovers the truth behind her tense relationship with her father from the data and her grandmother. As the company continues to look for Superman, Supercorp is attacked by Pharm and Graft. As Mercy and the others attempt to fight back and escape, Lois and Lena discover they’ve been betrayed.
When Superman arrives, he is too late to stop the attack. An attack that he is the target of as Pharm and Graft reveal they have more than one type of Kryptonite and they will use one of them to send Superman on a mission to kill Lex Luthor.
The Story: Williamson adds some thrills to Superman’s story that I haven’t experienced in a while. The story is filled with great tension and I love the fact that I couldn’t tell what was going to happen next especially the reveal of the new member of the anti-Lex league. A fun, inventive and entertaining story throughout.
The Art: David Baldeon is one of my favorite current artists and he brings some beautiful character designs to this issue as well as wonderfully detailed action.