Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow #5
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Bilquis Evely
Colors by Matheus Lopes
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Kara and Ruthye find their quest diverted to a dangerous planet filled with terrors.

With their hunt for Krem coming to a head, Supergirl and Ruthye have finally tracked the killed in the midst of another slaughter. Unfortunately, Krem has a trick up his sleeve and employs magic. Unable to fight against magic, Kara and Ruthye are transported to another planet. One with a green sun that is slowly killing Supergirl.
As the pair look for a safe place to hide until sundown, Ruthye must find the courage within herself to defend Kara against the creatures of the planet that are looking for them as prey. With hours until sundown, Ruthye must find a way to protect both herself and Supergirl before their quest comes to a violent end.
The Story: I continue to be in awe of the scope, emotion and narrative brilliance of this series and this issue is no exception. Tom King deftly captures high adventure and emotional, character driven storytelling throughout this issue. Ruthye as narration continues to engage the reader emotionally and the journey of these characters is one that continues to be compelling from issue to issue.
The Art: Evely’s art is brilliantly detailed and both the character designs and backgrounds draw the eye of the reader on every panel.