Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow #4
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Bilquis Evely
Colors by Matheus Lopes
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Supergirl and her companion continue their hunt for a killer across the galaxy.

Supergirl and Ruthye continue their hunt for Krem and each planet they visit brings them face to face with a new horror committed by the killer and his new band of pirates. From rescuing a baby from a field of horror to helping a grieving father with his task of burying the dead, Supergirl continues to question whether or not this is the right place for Ruthye. After working with a warrior to release her emotions about her lost family, the next world they travel to provides a series of horrors that even Supergirl needs a break from.
After a tense moment with a captured pirate, the pair find themselves on a world that has recorded the latest tragedy. A recording that Kara refuses to let Ruthye see. As the pair get closer to their target, Kara tries again to convince Ruthye to go home. Something that will lead to a confrontation and a new understanding between the two.
The Story: The plot, dialogue and characters continue to be compelling and engaging with each issue. Tom King has crafted a beautifully complex and intriguing story for Supergirl and every part of it is amazing from the point of view to the drama. The world being crafted in this series is incredibly compelling and King does an amazing job of bringing out the emotion of a moment organically.
The Art: Evely delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. The art is just as compelling and emotional as the stoy.