Supergirl Woman of Tomorrow #2
DC Comics
Written by Tom King
Art by Bilquis Evely
Colors by Matheus Lopes
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Supergirl and her new friend head off world to find the man who attacked them.

Ruthye continues to narrate her adventure with Supergirl as the pair leave her planet in search of their quarry. As they continue their travels, Ruthye finds herself in a completely new environment with its own set of dangers and wonders to behold.
As she contemplates her mission, she continues to marvel at her travel companion and the woman’s strength and resilience in the face of attacks from space creatures as well as aliens who want to make a name for themselves by taking down Superman’s cousin.
The Story: King draws you in with this story and having it be told from Ruthye’s perspective continues to be a high point. Seeing Kara through the eyes of another character gives a unique perspective that is welcome in a story that takes some interesting and unexpected risks for the character. The story feels grounded and Kara comes off a more nuanced and interesting character because of it. There are some great character moments throughout and showing the growing connection between the two leads is amazing in both its earnestness and simplicity.
The Art: Evely delivers some beautiful art throughout this issue. The style fits perfectly with these characters and the type of story being told. There are some dazzling details to be found throughout the panels as well.