Suicide Squad #14
DC Comics
Written by Dennis Hopeless
Art by Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, and Dexter Soy
Colors by Jeremiah Skipper and Peter Pantazis
Letters by Wes Abbott
The Rundown: In the aftermath of Amanda Waller’s disappearance, Rick Flag leads the Suicide Squad on a series of missions.

The story opens with Ambush Bug giving a review of the current situation and scenes follow showing the activities of the Suicide Squad. Weeks later, an injured Rick Flag asks for updates on his team’s latest endeavors. Ambush Bug and Peacemaker do battle with deadly enemies as Dr. Rodriguez goes out on a surveillance mission that leads her into danger. Meanwhile, Bloodsport deals with his companions and Mirror Master faces his own challenges. Afterwards, Rick informs his team of their new assignment.
The Story: The penultimate chapter in this long running series shows the after effects of Amanda Waller’s notorious schemes. It is interesting to see the Suicide Squad operating solely under the command of Rick Flag and I am curious how the group feels about the transition. I have to say, this narrative feels more like the lead-in to a new story arc rather than a wrap up of a continuing project. Introducing a new mission so late in the game is a bold choice. However, I am looking forward to seeing how this idea will play out.
The Art: This visually stunning issue is filled with intense and emotionally stirring action scenes. The realistic styling and attention to detail is both compelling and transportive. I was completely spellbound by the images with the turn of each page.