Suicide Squad #10
DC Comics
Written by Robbie Thompson
Art by Eduardo Pansica, Julio Ferreira, and Dexter Soy
Colors by Marcelo Maiolo and Allen Passalaqua
Letters by Wes Abbott
The Rundown: The Suicide Squad face danger while on assignment in space.

Culebra narrates the events of her life and death, including her entry in the Suicide Squad. In space, the Squad battles the Thangarians. Afterwards, they are captured by a Lantern. While imprisoned, Nocturna and Match have a moment. Meanwhile, Culebra’s ghost form goes on a mission while Major Force does something unexpected. Finally, Waller has a conversation with Waller as some interesting new players are uncovered.
The Story: This issues main focus is Culebra. It was interesting to learn her backstory and discover more about her mindset. Not only does it make for great character development, but the reader also really gets a sense of resentment the Squad feels for Waller. The same can be said for Nocturna and Match. Their interactions increase the stakes significantly. I am interested in seeing how this plot line develops.
The Art: The artwork in this issue features a modern drawing style. This is highlighted by changing color work that heavily involves blues and greens. Although this issue is light on action, it is heavy in content. The artist use of distinct facial expressions and form configurations bring intensity to the story and enhances reader engagement.