Strange Academy: Finals #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Some of the students return to the Academy while others go looking for a friend in trouble.

The kids of the Academy are called away from their weekend plans to meet with the Headmaster who has an announcement to make. Zoe and some of the other students have decided to leave the Dark Dimension and return to the Academy. A move that will have some unexpected and welcome results for Doyle and the others. After dispatching the students to clean up the academy, one of them learns that Calvin is still in New Orleans. Not only that, but he is still dealing for Gaslamp.
Doyle, Zoe and some of the others decide to venture into the city to lire out Gaslamp and rescue Calvin. After discovering where they are keeping him, a battle ensues that could not only kill them all, but destroy the city as well.
The Story: Things are getting more and more exciting for the students and Young crafts a story that showcases who these characters are and the loyalty they have for each other. It has a lighter tone than the previous issue and I love the evolution of Doyle as a character. The Calvin storyline continues to be engaging and I look forward to seeing what happens next after the explosive cliffhanger.
The Art: Ramos delivers some beautifully detailed art throughout the issue and the visuals are both fun and thrilling.