Strange Academy #18
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Doyle learns more about the prophecy while Emily and the departing students decide their next move.

The staff of Strange Academy meet with Doctor Voodoo to discuss what to do about the students who decided to leave in protest. One of the biggest questions they have is where the students went. What they don’t know is that Emily and the others have decided to hide out in the Sanctum Sanctorum. With no knowledge of what Emily plans to do next, she gets confronted about what she actually wants from his revolt.
At the same time, Doyle goes back to the fortune teller to see his future and discovers that something he gave to Emily might be the reason why things go so wrong for the school. After contacting Voodoo, the headmaster and Zelma confront Emily at the Sanctum only to discover that she is more powerful than they realize and has a new destination in mind for her fellow students.
The Story: Young does a great job of keeping both the humor and the tension at their peak in this issue. I really enjoyed the story and how it continues to build on the interpersonal conflicts as well as the characters themselves. I like the fact that Emily doesn’t have everything figured out and these characters are still young and dealing with the reality of that while living with power they are still trying to understand. I am excited to see where the story goes and how it concludes.
The Art: Ramos delivers some visually thrilling art throughout the issue. The scenes with Emily using her power are beautifully detailed and filled with tension.