Strange Academy #17
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Dr. Voodoo confronts Gaslamp as things fall apart at the Academy.

Dr. Voodoo makes a dangerous trip to the French Quarter to confront Gaslamp about Calvin and what the creature was trying to do to his school. Unfortunately, he finds the creature’s dangerous minions ready for a fight. After finding the creature, Voodoo is confronted with the fact that there is something dangerous within the school itself. At the school, Emily gets the cold shoulder from Doyle because she has been dealing with the issue with Calvin.
As the students discuss what happened to Calvin, Emily and Doyle argue. An argument that turns into a full blown fight between the students with Gaslamp waiting for something to break within the academy. When Voodoo sees the aftermath, he decides to put an end to the division, but the students of Strange Academy are nowhere to be found.
The Story: Young delivers a great story in this issue that builds off of everything that has been revealed and teased throughout the series. The interpersonal dramas continue to be entertaining and I love Young’s ability to write young people and their angst. The exterior threats are interesting as well and I love how Voodoo is given so much agency and character development. I cannot wait to see what happens next in this series.
The Art: Ramos delivers some beautiful, detailed and impressive art. The panels are wonderful to look at and the action is visually thrilling throughout.