Strange Academy #16
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Voodoo learns of a dangerous cost to magic and the students prepare for their first dance.

Doctor Voodoo has been summoned to a meeting. One that will show him the cost of recent events including the death of the sorcerer supreme. A cost that will affect one of the most powerful avatars of magic, Hoggoth itself. In the aftermath of his meeting, the students are given a new set of rules for how they use their magic and the restrictions are met with skepticism by some. At the same time, teenage issues come to the forefront as Doyle is nervous about asking Emily to the upcoming dance and seeks advice from his friends.
As Calvin gets busted by Voodoo, Doyle’s lack of focus on his lessons puts the class at risk. A risk that will lead him to a personal reward. As the rest of the students prepare for the upcoming dance, Calvin learns the consequences of his dangerous actions. With the dance in full swing, Emily finds Calvin and decides to do what she can to help him.
The Story: I continue to love the way that Skottie Young can tell a great story about kids while also crafting an equally compelling and interesting story in the magical realm of the Marvel universe. The beginning of the story teases a great mystery to be revealed while the rest of the story touches brilliantly on the characters and their interpersonal struggles. I continue to be amused, charmed and engaged with this series and cannot wait to see where it goes next.
The Art: Humberto Ramos delivers some beautifully detailed and wonderful visual moments throughout the issue. The style is perfect for both these characters and the kind of story being told.