Strange Academy #15
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: Emily wants to know what happened to Doyle and Calvin shocks his classmates with his new powers.

Emily goes looking for Doyle and discovers not only that he is gone, but he left her a note. A note that sends her into a rage. At the same time, Magik is training with Wong as part of the student’s next lesson. A lesson that Calvin will stun his fellow students with in his use of powerful magic. They are even more stunned in his change in both attitude and temper. Unfortunately, someone in the class thinks she knows where Calvin is getting his power from.
Emily confronts Zelma about the missing Doyle and wants answers. What she gets is a surprise. Voodoo gets a visit from Zoe who wants to tell him what she suspects about Calvin’s new powers. Calvin goes to see Gaslamp again and learns the cost of his new powers. A cost that will require him to bring the creature more customers.
The Story: Young delivers a fun, interesting and entertaining story in this issue. The dialogue is fantastic and I love all of the character interactions. Both stories are strong and have a wonderful balance in the issue. Emily’s search for Doyle is just as compelling as Calvin’s journey and I continue to enjoy how interesting and engaging the story is.
The Art: Ramos delivers some awesome, atmospheric art on every page. The visuals continue to be beautiful and filled with awesome details throughout.