Strange Academy #11
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: A student attacked puts everyone at Strange Academy on edge and the identity of the attacker will change one of the students.

Toth is spending his time in the library studying for finals and the late hour means he has walk back to his room alone. Unfortunately, an unknown entity uses this as an opportunity and his classmates are shocked when they find him the next day. In the aftermath, Catbeast reveals that there is a spell that can resurrect Toth. It is revealed the reason why is that the new addition to the academy has a connection to Weirdworld. One that is revealed by the Queen herself as she comes to see her son. As tension grows in the room, Shaylee comes to help.
After hours of work, they are able to put his physical body back together, but they cannot perform the spell because there is a significant part of him that is missing. With the missing piece being the key to restoring Toth, Voodoo brings in an unusual investigator to track it down. After checking out the teachers and students, Howard finds a clue that will lead to a suspect in their midst and a huge reveal for one of the students.
The Story: Young continues to impress with this series both for its storytelling and its tone. The issue continues Young’s tradition in this series of developing the characters and their relationship and you get a sense of reality within the dialogues they have with each other. The issue has some heavy content, but it continues to be accessible to the reader and makes me want to read more.
The Art: Ramos delivers some beautiful art throughout the issue. The characters look amazing and there is a brilliant attention to detail that makes every panel engrossing.