Strange Academy #10
Marvel Comics
Written by Skottie Young
Art by Humberto Ramos
Colors by Edgar Delgado
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: The students of Strange Academy are taking a field trip to Asgard and a huge secret is revealed about two of the students.

After a week spent with their families it is time to get back to lessons and this time the students of Strange Academy take the show on the road as Sif brings them to the rainbow bridge of Asgard. Internal conflict is already developing as Doyle tries to find a way to be with Emily, but Iric gets in the way. As the kids make their way to the gates, they are greeted by their host Volstagg and taken to get something to eat.
As things get interesting for two of the students, Iric leaves the group and Doyle decides to follow him. After making their way to the base of the world tree, Doyle discovers that there is a prison there. A prison that is holding a very familiar face. A face that happens to belong to Iric’s mother.
The Story: Skottie Young continues to craft a fun, engaging and entertaining world for these characters. The interpersonal drama is fun and completely age appropriate for these characters. It is completely relatable and reminiscent of those awkward teen years as far as relationships both romantic and platonic. The reveal of Iric’s mother was a great dramatic touch and I love that it is setting up more conflict to come between he and Doyle.
The Art: Ramos crafts some beautiful imagery in this issue. Not only is the art lively and beautifully detailed, but there is a sense of wonder and beauty to Asgard.