Strange #8
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Stefano Landini and Marcelo Ferreira
Inks by Roberto Poggi
Colors by Java Tartaglia
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Stephen Strange returns to the Sanctum and learns about the Blasphemy Cartel.

Stephen Strange has been revealed to be the sorcerer supreme of Death and working as the Harvestman. After returning to the Sanctum with Clea, he is reunited with his friends including Wong and Bats. Unfortunately, his new role makes being with his wife dangerous and Clea is determined to fix that, but something else needs to be addressed with the presence of Pandora Peters. Something that goes back to her time with W.A.N.D.
The pair recall a mission that forced Pandora to call Strange for help at an experimental facility called Bigbox. After stopping the rogue facility from unleashing powerful magic on the world, Strange and Pandora recall one of the agents assigned to clean up the mess. Unfortunately, the powerful magic he’s used to hide his identity is exactly how he managed to keep the Blasphemy Cartel under the radar. What he didn’t count on was Clea Strange.
The Story: MacKay delivers an exciting and impressive story that has some great tension throughout. I not only enjoyed the premise, but the callback to a previous adventure. What makes this series work is the tenacity of Clea and her determination to bring back Stephen. Having him back in the state he is allows for some great drama and intrigue.
The Art: Both artist offer some great visuals throughout the story. I love seeing Strange in action and this story delivers thrilling action throughout.