Strange #4
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Marcelo Ferreira
Inks by Roberto Poggi
Colors by Java Tartaglia
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Things get tense for the Sorcerer Supreme when she gets a visit from her mother.

Clea has remained in control of herself and her emotions through many battles in her new role as the Sorcerer Supreme, but the upcoming arrival of her mother Umar has her shaken. The tension gets even higher when her mother challenges her motivations as well as her relationship with Stephen. Two topics that Clea decides to give her mother some clarity on.
If things weren’t tense enough, the arrival of The Blasphemy Cartel causes Clea and her mother to team up when a breach of the Sanctum allows for the invasion of a new creature imbued with the spirits of dead Moon Knights. As Clea works on a spell to banish the creature from her home, her mother decides to seek revenge on the Cartel agents waiting outside.
The Story: MacKay continues to find a great balance between the heavy elements of Clea’s story and some lighthearted and emotionally engaging moments for the character. The Blasphemy Cartel continues to be an interesting threat and I like how Clea is unable to keep considering them a minor annoyance that she can easily ignore. I love the progression of this story and how it is setting up something interesting to come.
The Art: Marcelo Ferreira delivers some stunning art in the issue. From the wonderful and expressive character moment between Clea and Umar to the stylized and beautifully detailed action, the art wonderfully complements the mood and tone of the story.