Strange #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Marcelo Ferreira
Inks by Roberto Poggi and Don Ho
Colors by Java Tartaglia
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Clea takes on a group of magic using criminals who decide to accelerate their plans.

With her decree unheeded and a massacre happening under her watch, Clea Strange decides to pay a visit to the Rose to get answers about where The Blasphemy Cartel is located. After a demonstration of her resolve, she gets her answers and goes on the hunt. A hunt that will bring her to one of the lairs of the group and some interesting questions about their plan.
In the aftermath of showing the Cartel her power, Clea receives a message from a familiar face and the leader of the Cartel decides that it is time to accelerate his plans and go after the Sorcerer Supreme directly.
The Story: MacKay gives Clea great agency throughout the issue. I love seeing her take on the Cartel and showcase just how powerful she is. I even love that she goes full on Batman while she’s chasing the armored car. Her more direct approach to threats makes for great drama and action.
The Art: Ferreira strikes the perfect visual tone for this story and I love the dramatic and tension filled visuals. They work even better with the more quiet moments towards the end of the issue.