Strange #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Marcelo Ferreira
Inks by Don Ho
Colors by Java Tartaglia
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: Clea takes on a powerful opponent who might hold the key to what she is looking for.

As the current Thunderstrike realizes something is wrong, Clea finds herself in the middle of a conflict between an unknown power and a resurrected hero while attempting to make sure that she doesn’t give in to the power she wields. After capturing them both, Clea makes her demand of the emissary of death. A demand driven by love and hope. A demand interrupted by the return of great power. The two find themselves reluctantly working together to end the threat in front of them.
In the aftermath, she tells Wong what happened after their fight. A revelation that Wong will have to ponder as the forces of death have decided to create a counterpart to the sorcerer supreme and what that might mean. Unfortunately, his thoughts will have to wait when a knock at the door reveals something that will send the new Sorcerer Supreme into a rage.
The Story: MacKay continues to find a great balance of tones with the characters in this series. Clea continues to be a compelling, interesting and surprising character that brings something engaging to the story. There is a dangerous element to the character that enhances the story because she is self-aware of who and what she is. The supporting cast is incorporated brilliantly and the conflict both personally and externally is exiting and entertaining.
The Art: Ferreira delivers some beautifully detailed panels on every page of this issue. The art has a wonderful tone to it that fits the character perfectly.