Strange #1
Marvel Comics
Written by Jed MacKay
Art by Marcelo Ferriera
Inks by Don Ho and Roberto Poggi
Colors by Java Tartaglia and Felipe Sobreiro
Letters by Cory Petit
The Rundown: The new Sorcerer Supreme faces a series of challenges while making her own plans for her future.

The new Sorcerer Supreme faces her first challenge in the form of the Harvestman. A challenge born of her mission to resurrect Stephen Strange. That morning Clea receives an unexpected visitor in the form of Doctor Doom who extends her the courtesy of telling her that he will be seeking the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme himself and will start by taking the eye of Agamotto and her cloak. He quickly discovers that his demands do not carry the weight that he thinks that they do.
In the aftermath, Wong returns and Clea decides to wake him from his grief with a trip. A trip where she tells him her plan to end their grief by bringing back Stephen Strange. Her trip with Wong is interrupted by an attack on the magical market. An attack that will call upon the fury of a very different Sorcerer Supreme than the attackers were expecting. As she prepares to begin her journey to return Strange, she decides that the best thing to do is seek those who have died and returned. But first, she will face an unexpected return that brings death in its wake.
The Story: Jed MacKay establishes Clea, her power and her purpose in some great ways with this first issue. The story is entertaining, clever and filled with great dialogue and humor. I like the dynamic that she has with both Wong and Bats. There is potential for some great character development for all of them and I love the world MacKay is creating for Clea to live in.
The Art: Ferriera delivers some beautiful art on every page. The action is dynamic and beautifully detailed. The character designs are fantastic and everything leads to a visually stunning final page.