Static: Shadows of Dakota #4
DC Comics/Milestone
Written by Nikolas Draper-Ivey and Vita Ayala
Art by Nikolas Draper-Ivey
Colors by Nikolas Draper-Ivey and Wil Quintana
Letters by Andworld Design
The Rundown: Virgil’s hunt for a friend will bring him face to face with a deadly enemy.

Virgil’s young friend Quincy is still missing and the police are not helpful in any capacity. A reality that prompts Virgil to suit up and take to the skies of Dakota to locate the Vigilantes and see if they have any answers.
After taking on a group on his own, Virgil tries to interrogate them for answers. Unfortunately, he gets some unwanted help from Ebon who wants answers himself and decides to teach Static a lesson for not doing things his way.
The Story: An engaging story filled with mystery, tension and tragedy. Draper-Ivey and Ayala put Virgil through the ringer in this issue and teach him a sobering lesson about his own limits. The Ebon fight was definitely a highlight of the issue and Virgil’s humbling definitely enhanced the drama of the issue as well as the final moments with his family. I look forward to seeing what happens next.
The Art: Draper-Ivey delivers some fantastic visuals throughout the issue. The imagery is beautifully detailed and visually unique with a style that draws in the reader.