Static: Shadows of Dakota #3
DC Comics/Milestone
Written by Nikolas Draper-Ivey and Vita Ayala
Art by Nikolas Draper-Ivey
Colors by Nikolas Draper-Ivey and Wil Quintana
Letters by AndWorld Design
The Rundown: Virgil wonders what his next move should be while a darker threat continues to grow in Dakota.

Members of the Blood Syndicate find their way to Dakota and in a battle with a threat that is more dangerous than they imagined. A threat that wants answers and will use some dangerous means to get them. At the same time, Virgil contemplates his next move as Static, but his family has some thoughts of their own.
As Virgil realizes that he will be on his own soon and wonders what’s going on with the increasing power outages in the subway system, the boy he mentors get an unexpected visit from someone with his own agenda and plans for the young man.
The Story: Draper-Ivey and Ayala craft an interesting and entertaining story in this issue. The threats continue to be more dangerous and I like seeing Virgil in more of a holding pattern than running off without a plan. There is a great amount of tension in the story as if everyone in it is standing on the edge of something and that tension makes the story more compelling and engaging.
The Art: Draper-Ivey delivers some beautiful art in the issue. The visuals are unique and have a great style that engages the eye with each moment.