Star Wars the High Republic #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Cavan Scott
Art by Ario Anindito
Inks by Mark Morales
Colors by Annalisa Leoni
Letters by Ariana Maher
The Rundown: The Drengir infestation continues to spread, but the Jedi have their hands full dealing with a Hutt and his band of mercenaries.

Skeer manages to free his fellow Jedi from the Drengir, but things only get worse when they return to the surface and find themselves face to face with a Hutt who has been collecting protection from the inhabitants of the planet. As Avar works to negotiate with the criminal, Skeer continues to be influenced by the Drengir and lashes out causing a battle between the Jedi and the Hutt forces. Avar calls for reinforcements from Starlight Beacon, but the Jedi station is dealing with its own fight against the Drengir.
Keeve must find a way to break the Drengir’s hold on her former master, but that becomes more difficult. After taking drastic action against Skeer, the ailing Jedi tells his former apprentice that there is one way to stop the Drengir. A way that will be dangerous to his mind. As Keeve begins the process, Avar informs the Hutt of the simultaneous attacks all over the area and how the Hutt forces are being overrun. An act that will make the combatants unlikely allies as they gather to fight a mutual threat.
The Story: The plot is exciting and opens with great action and tension. That aesthetic carries itself throughout the rest of the issue and its consistency makes the story engaging. Scott does a really good job of getting the reader interested in the characters, their circumstances and their connections to each other. The Keeve/Skeer dynamic is one of the better examples of this in this series. I like the direction this story is taking and look forward to seeing it continue.
The Art: Anindito does great work with the art in this series. There are some great visual moments throughout and the action is beautifully detailed.