Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #3
Marvel Comics
Written by Alex Segura
Art by Leonard Kirk and Jethro Morales
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: The Rebel force looking for information find themselves in a dangerous standoff.

The elite force sent to investigate the Anoat sector and its ruler Adelhard find themselves surrounded by spice runners who have aligned themselves with the former imperial leader. As they fight to escape, Adelhard continues to argue with the mystic who has come to help him.
While Leia confides in Luke about her fears regarding the continued fight against the imperial remnants, the force she sent into danger find themselves captured by Adelhard, but they might have allies on board that can help.
The Story: Segura crafts an interesting story in this issue, but a lot of it feels disjointed. There is some great action throughout the story, but much of the story is hard to follow. Characters show up, things happen with little context and everything leads to a reveal with no context and an appearance with no explanation. I felt like I was reading bits and pieces of a story rather than a full narrative.
The Art: Kirk and Morales deliver some fantastic art throughout the issue. I really enjoy the visual style of the issue and the action.