Star Wars: The Battle of Jakku – Insurgency Rising #2
Marvel Comics
Written by Alex Segura
Art by Leonard Kirk
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: The fight continues as remnants of the Empire continue to press their agenda as Luke discovers something dark and growing in the galaxy.

As Moff Adelhard presses his control of an entire system in the name of the Empire, some of his colleagues have other ideas about their imperial futures in the wake of Palpatine and Vader’s deaths. At the same time, the growing threats cause Leia and other rebel leaders to meet to discuss how to tackle them before they grow.
As a small team prepares to infiltrate the Anoat Sector to see what Adelhard is up to, Luke Skywalker finds himself dealing with fanatics loyal to Vader who might only be the first link in a dark and dangerous chain to the Dark Side.
The Story: Segura crafts an entertaining story that serves as a wonderful way to show that the end of Palapatine and Vader is not the end of the war. I like the buildup of each facet of this story and how compelling they are to the bigger tale of the galaxy in turmoil. I like seeing Luke come into his own more in the story and the threats against the New Republic are interesting to see grow and evolve.
The Art: Kirk delivers some great art in the issue. The visuals are crisp and have a rough kind of detail in the action scenes mixed with great polish and detail in some of the moments with both Luke and Leia.