Star Wars: Obi-Wan #5
Marvel Comics
Written by Christopher Cantwell
Art by Adriana Melo
Inks by Wayne Faucher
Colors by Dono Sanchez-Almara
Letters by Joe Caramagna
The Rundown: After the storm passes, Obi-Wan weighs into another dangerous one.

The storm has passed and Obi-Wan takes time away from writing his story to head out into the night to retrieve some new power cells. At the same time, the local Imperial commander notices that supplies have been stolen during the storm by Tuskens and he sends a small band of Stormtroopers to retrieve them and kill the raiders.
The troopers find where the Tuskens are camping and proceed to attack, but realize too late that they’ve wandered into a trap. When Obi-Wan arrives, he discovers an injured trooper and must decide whether to risk exposing himself to the empire in order to do the right thing.
The Story: Cantwell brings this series to a satisfying conclusion with a story that brings together all of the aspects of Obi-Wan as a character. The plot does a brilliant job of metaphorically sweeping away the past and moving the character towards his inevitable destiny. There’s some great action in the story and the tone of the story is awesome. I like the places the story goes and where it leaves the character at its conclusion.
The Art: Melo delivers some beautifully detailed art in the issue. The visuals are tonal perfect and manage to convey both the qualities of the character and the action of the world.