Star Wars: Ahsoka
Disney Plus
Season 1 Episode 1
Master and Apprentice
A valuable prisoner escapes New Republic custody; a search for answers reunites two old friends.

The story of the first episode takes the viewer back to the aftermath of the fight between Ahsoka and Morgan Elsbeth and I love that they brought the character back to have more of an active conflict with Ahsoka. Their dynamic was well teased on the Mandalorian and the reveal of what she is adds more interesting layers to her and the conflict in the series.

There is a lot of action in the issue as well with a prison break that features Ray Stephenson’s Baylan Skoll and his apprentice Shin Hati played by Ivanna Sakhno. Not much is know about their dynamic outside of that and I’m hoping the series takes the time it needs to establish who they are and what they actually want.

The episode does a great job of bringing viewers back to Lothal and the world of Rebels by not only bringing back familiar voices in live action (Clancy Brown as Ryder Izadi) and introducing the actors playing our favorite characters in live action. Mary Elizabeth Winstead looks great as Hera in the first episode, but she doesn’t really have much to do beyond pointing Ahsoka towards Sabine Wren played by Natasha Liu Bordizzo. Sabine seems to have the bulk of the emotional conflict in the episode as she struggles with being considered a hero while looking for a purpose outside of the fight.

The interpersonal conflict between Sabine and Ahsoka is being teased as the secondary conflict in the series as their history seems to be filled with some dark moments. It’s another plot point that the series is taking its time to flesh out and I appreciate that. The action in the episode is done really well, but I’m hoping the lightsaber fights are a little more spread out in order to give them more emotional weight.
Dave Filoni is definitely taking his time with this new series and establishing both the world and the conflict within it. As a fan of Rebels and the character of Ahsoka Tano, I actually appreciate the slow burn of the episode and how Filoni is giving this series the ability to grow and evolve as its own entity. The action is really inventive and I like seeing Ahsoka be more creative in her conflicts.