Star Wars #23
Marvel Comics
Written by Charles Soule
Art by Ramon Rosanas
Colors by Rachelle Rosenberg
Letters by Clayton Cowles
The Rundown: The Rebels engage the Tarkin’s Will, but its commander is prepared for the fight.

The remaining Rebel Fleet have arrived in orbit and have targeted the Tarkin’s Will. Commander Zahra is not worried about being outgunned and outmanned as she has her own plan to deal with the Rebels. A plan that will use their own strategies against for devastating effect. A plan that will devastate both the rebel ships in the sky and the ground forces trying to escape.
As Zahra prepares for her victory, Kes Dameron and his group manage to infiltrate the detention level to rescue Shara and together they embark on a desperate mission that could cripple the Tarkin’s Will and give the rebellion a small glimmer of hope.
The Story: Soule offers a thrilling and entertaining adventure in this issue. The story does a great job of showcasing how dangerous and interesting a character Commander Zahra is how well a strategist she can be. There are some harrowing and suspenseful moments in the issue, but the story did feel rushed at times. The plot had a sense of immediacy to it, but the pace of the story felt a little too fast to really get into the drama or the character interactions.
The Art: Rosanas delivers some beautiful art on every page of this issue. The space battles were visually thrilling and each page captured the adventure and action of the story.