Star Trek: Strange New Worlds – The Illyrian Enigma #4
IDW Publishing
Written by Kristen Beyer and Mike Johnson
Art by Megan Levens
Colors by Charlie Kirchoff
Letters by Neil Uyetake
The Rundown: Pike and Spock continue their mission to help a friend at an unexpected destination.

Spock and Pike are rescued just in time from the poisonous Illyrian home world and Spock returns with something that might hold the answers they seek to free Una. Pike decides that if the Illyrian Captain wants to be involved so badly, he can come with them.
Spock reveals that his connection the Vulcan Skalan and that prompts them to make a trip to the Vulcan home world where they discover not only the truth about the Illyrians, but also why they can’t tell anyone about it.
The Story: Beyer and Johnson craft a story filled with great mystery and revelation. There are also moments of great humor within the plot and I enjoyed seeing how the events came together and played out. The big revelation was interesting and I like seeing that there are complications and nuance even with the information being revealed. It adds a maturity to the drama as both Pike and Spock deal with the implications of their choices and what they could mean.
The Art: Levens delivers some stunning art throughout the issue. From the ship designs to the environments and characters, I love the visual look and style of this issue.