Star Trek: Picard S02XE06
Star Trek: Picard
Paramount Plus
Season 2 Episode 6
Two of One
With the help of Tallinn, Picard and the crew infiltrate a gala on the eve of a joint space mission, to protect one of the astronauts they believe to be integral to the restoration of the timeline – Renee Picard. Kore makes a startling discovery about her father’s work.

The episode begins with Picard lying in the street injured with his crew around him and proceeds to fill in the blanks of what happened through the course of the episode. It flashes from the present circumstances that face the injured Picard to the moments before the tragedy occurs. There are some clever tricks used throughout to show the passage of time and how events coalesce, but the episode is definitely a huge exposition dump for the characters.

Picard continues to deal with his feelings for Laris by proxy with his time spent with Tallinn who happens to look exactly like her. There is a definite chemistry between the characters and I wish it was explored more especially Tallinn’s issues with fulfilling her mission being so detached from the subject of it.
Jurati continues to deal with her connection to the Borg Queen and while that character arc had the potential to be compelling, it runs off the rails quickly as the Queen’s exercises in dominance over Jurati range from forcing her to kiss someone to a truly cringe inducing musical number. Don’t get me wrong, Allison Pill can definitely sing, but this was the worst context in which to showcase that talent and it felt wrong across the board.

Picard finally meets up with his ancestor and finds himself in the role of mentor to her in order to get her back on track with her mission. Another moment that definitely deserved more time and consideration. Picard’s mother issues continue to be an issue that deserves to be explored so that it can dealt with and this definitely felt like a prelude to that.

One of the side stories is Kore learning the truth about what she is when her father Adam Soong returns from the party. His entire arc in this episode is questionable at best. Kore finds article after article about how her “father” is some kind of mad scientist who has been disgraced publicly, but he still finds himself being invited to an event featuring astronauts about to embark on a mission? Nothing about his presence made sense and his final act is even more ridiculous.
The sixth episode of this season was a lot of exposition, a lot of questionable circumstances and character moments that didn’t feel right at all.