Star Trek Deep Space Nine: Too Long A Sacrifice #4
IDW Publishing
Written by Scott Tipton and David Tipton
Art by Greg Scott
Colors by Felipe Sobreiro
Letters by Neil Uyetake
The Rundown: The investigation leads Odo to the real killer and a motive deeply rooted in the past.
After Odo and Retlaw confront the Vedek in the Bajoran temple, the man allows his mind to be scanned and the empath realizes that he is innocent of the murders. As both investigators leave, something the Vedek says to Odo gives him the vital clue that he needs. A clue that will lead both men back to where their investigation began.

Odo lays out the details of what the Vedek told him to Retlaw and when a certain individual enters the area, Retlaw is able to read the individual’s thoughts and learn the dark, twisted history that put this person a path of hatred that will lead to revenge, but will not stop there.
The Story: Scott and David Tipton do a really good great job of bringing this story to a satisfactory end. There are a lot of story beats that a reminiscent of the television series and I like how the story unfolded. There were some moments that felt a little rushed and the finale had some points that stretched the logic of the world of the story, but the plot was solid and the dialogue was great.
The Art: Greg Scott’s art style is fantastic. There is a great attention to detail throughout and the story lends itself to the style of the art really well.