St. Mercy #1
Image Comics
Written by John Zuur Platten
Art by Atilio Rojo
Letters by Troy Peteri
The Rundown: Toctollissica details her history during the Incan empire. In the 1800s, Mercy has a run in with an outlaw.

The story opens 500 years ago, in the Peruvian Mountains, where Toctollissica is reflecting on her current situation. She gives commentary regarding the people around her as she prepares for a ceremony. Soon, it is time for the ritual to begin.
In 1871, Mercy goes about her daily life and interacts with several members of her town. Meanwhile, a group of thieves ambush a U.S. Army transport in a robbery attempt. Then a violent brawl occurs, and one member of the criminal gang is injured. Afterwards, the injured man appears at a church that Mercy and her father maintain. They soon agree to aid the thief. Later, Mercy and the thief are involved in an altercation, and something valuable is apprehended.
The Story: Platten crafts an interesting narrative involving Incan mysticism. Although the two protagonist exist in different time periods, their interconnected stories have an interesting dynamic. I like how the story juxtaposes the religiosity of Toctollissica and Mercy. Both are dedicated to their beliefs and act as spiritual guides. Toctollissica’s narration throughout is very curious. Her actions as omniscient narrator is a definite cause for speculation. The first chapter of this series is very compelling. And I can’t wait to see how this plot line develops.
The Art: Rojo uses a detailed and modern illustration style that heavily features character expression. The changing color palette flows perfectly with the location and tone switches within the story, thus continuously acclimating the reader to new surroundings. I felt the artwork in this visually appealing issue was emotionally engaging and transportive.