Sherlock Holmes: The Vanishing Man #1
Dynamite Entertainment
Written by Leah Moore and John Reppion
Art by Julius Ohta
Colors by Ellie Wright
Letters by Simon Bowland
London, 1887. Like any good mystery, this issue starts with a hunt through the streets of London as a man who left early for work finds himself being chased by shadowy figures. At the same time, Sherlock Holmes has decided that he needs more medicine, much to the consternation of Watson. The two get into an argument and it gives the reader a well done introduction to their relationship and character dynamic.
Watson decides that Holmes needs a challenge and he gets to work trying to find something to catch his interest. In true literary fashion, a new challenge appears in the form of a mystery woman. The woman is the wife of the man on the run and her story touches Holmes to the point where he finally decides to leave the house. As a reader, I wasn’t able to find her tale nearly as compelling. It served the story to be told, but nothing about it really stood out as a point of singular interest.
Holmes decides to visit the office of the missing Mr. Williams and questions the man’s employer. At the same time, the boy Holmes sent to pick up his prescription stumbles into a mystery of his own. As Holmes listens, another mystery is presented involving a sarcophagus and a curse. Seems a little much, but I’ll go with it. The most compelling part of the story is what is happening with the young boy and who he runs into in the shop. It’s almost too perfect a moment, but it works in the context of this issue.
Other than opening up a few too many threads, it is an interesting first issue and I will read the next one in hopes of a more cohesive narrative.