Shazam #12

DC Comics

Written by Josie Campbell

Art by Mike Norton and Emanuela Lupacchino

Colors by Trish Mulvihill

Letters by Troy Peteri

The Rundown: Billy finds himself dealing with a personal crisis that could damage the world.

Billy’s world is falling apart and the one person he trusted above anyone might be to blame. He finally realizes that his mind is being tampered with and that the person doing it is the Captain himself. After locking away that part of himself, he heads out to see his estranged mothers.

At the same time, the rest of the family begin to realize that there is something wrong with the rock of eternity. Something that is causing rifts within the real world. When Billy finds more personal trauma after meeting with his mother, his pain causes something that only the Captain can stop. Something that could separate Billy from his family forever.

The Story: Campbell does a wonderful job of ramping up tension throughout this arc. There are some heavy concepts within it and some great psychological moments for Billy. I like seeing the two halves of the character in conflict and how the events of the arc have shaped the drama and danger to come.

The Art: Norton and Luppacchino deliver some great art in the issue. I really enjoyed the visual styles separately, but they didn’t really mesh together thematically as one was starker than the other.

Shazam #12



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