Shang-Chi #7
Marvel Comics
Written by Gene Luen Yang
Art by Dike Ruan
Colors by Triona Farrell
Letters by Travis Lanham
The Rundown: As his enemies prepare to strike, Shang-Chi learns a dark truth.

Shang-Chi’s enemies prepare to take him down once and for all as their spy watches over the man have a meal with his mother. With her time away from the Negative Zone allowing her to regain her mind, she decides that it is the perfect time to tell her son what exactly happened to her.
She tells him of her upbringing in the magical realm of Ta Lo. After taking a position outside the gate, she finds a man being stranded by a band of pirates. After taking them down, she makes the decision to save the stranger’s life. A decision that will change hers forever. As Shang-Chi listens to the story, he realizes that they are being watched and springs into action. Mother and son take on the people gathered to kill them and his mother has one more revelation to make.
The Story: Gne Luen Yang offers a great story in this issue. The plot is brilliantly paced and executed well. The tension throughout the story is palpable to the reader and the execution is top notch. I loved both the dialogue and tone of this issue and was both surprised and pleased with the final reveal and what it means for Shang-Chi going forward.
The Art: Dike Ruan delivers some great art throughout the issue. There are some great, expressive character moments and the atmosphere is beautifully done. The panels do a great job of building on the tension of the story and the action is visually thrilling.