Seven Secrets #1
Boom! Studios
Written by Tom Taylor
Art by Daniele Di Nicuolo
Colors by Walter Baiamonte and Katia Ranalli
Letters by Ed Dukeshire
The Rundown: A secret order will find that the secrets they keep are worth killing for.
The Order of the Seven has been protecting a secret for years and an attack on their secret base will potentially expose that secret to a dangerous threat. One that has no problem killing to obtain it.
Two operatives fight to escape the base with the secret intact, but one will have to stay behind so the other can escape. To make matters more difficult, the operatives have a secret of their own. One that will find himself immersed in their dangerous world.
The Story: Beautifully told and full of action, Tom Taylor crafts a world that immediately draws you in and takes you on a fun and engaging ride. The characters are great and the secret motif throughout makes you want to know more about them with each page. I was drawn in by the plot and the story from the beginning and Taylor holds my interest, my curiosity and wonder throughout.
The Art: Daniele Di Nicuolo fills this issue with beautifully detailed action. There is an immediacy to every moment and that is reflected in both the character designs and their movement throughout the panels. Every page looks great and the art engages the reader by perfectly matching the tone and energy of the story.